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[LIVE] Clara Engel & Piers Oolvai at Antikka 11/08/2019

Imagine... the curvature of shooting comets... mild reactions occurring between chemicals in a laboratory... the blessed scents of autumn leaves... floundering underneath the sea in coral reefs... a intimate poetic atmospheric...

Two of the Peanut Gallery's queer avant-garde solo artists, Toronto's folk noir / holy blues singer-songwriter Clara Engel and Guelph/Mississauga's post-prog ambient effected bass clarinetist Piers Oolvai are performing in a show together in Toronto! They will come play for you all on Friday November 8th at the Anitkka Cafe and Records / 960 Queen Street West (it is a short distance from Union Station).

These two will be streaming shimmering cascades from their idiosyncratic incantations!

Cover $10 / Music 8 PM Sharp / Safe Space


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