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[RIP] Farewell to Ride The Tempo - a fixture in Canadian Independent Music Blogging

We @ Splendid Industries are saddened to observe the final moments of a longstanding blog/review site dedicated to independent Canadian music: Ride The Tempo has been an ongoing labour of love since 2010 and has become an absolute fixture in the blog-o-sphere for their support of so many unique and original Canadian artists. As disheartening as it may be, we continue to look toward a bright future for music in this country and this news only puts more steel in our spine since, though we've lost one of the champions of the scene, not all is lost. There is still so much to be excited about! Not only does one of RTT's prime contributors, Nicholas Cooper (SMK), write reviews and conduct interviews for our site, he also writes for Irregular Dreams - a blog dedicated to Canadian Fringe Music & Sci-Fi!

In an effort to keep the flame alive, Nicholas' posts from RTT will gradually migrate to our own review section. So, the torch has been passed and we're gonna run with it!

We know that a massive debt of gratitude is owed to everyone involved with RTT by not only us but all Canadian artists who have graced their digital pages over the years. In particular a huge thx must be extended to RTT founder, Tiana Feng, for beginning this journey and helping the music culture of Canada grow stronger and be more connected than ever!

So plz, human_reader, do pay a visit to while you still can to access the wonderful backlog of blogs written about so many fantastic artists. Also, plz stay tuned to $™ as we attempt to fill some very big shoes and continue the mission of supporting Canadian music & art! Thanks for an amazing ride, RTT!

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