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[LIVE] 3 Nines & SMK Presents: Power Coupling

Welcome back, my human_friends, to the song that never ends!

Coming right off and over the precipice of the first concert curation of The Sentinel's Marvellous Kaleidoscope that I organized and hosted on Saturday May 18th at the ANAF Club in Guelph with Gelax, seawater + rose and Splendid Industries darlings standpartners and myself as Piers Oolvai, I already have a new concert curation coming up in the latter half of June: Thursday June 20th at the ANAF Club 344 in Guelph! This will be the second official showcase under The Sentinel's Marvellous Kaleidoscope - Concert Curation, which you can follow on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Nicholas Cooper (Left) and Dylan Bravener (Right) at CKMS 102.7 Radio Waterloo | Photo by Scope Overseer Photogenics

Putting on my first curation really thinned me out, and I did anticipate it. However, I wanted to put on one more concert before the summer season, as I will be absent from the GTA-Guelph areas. Thankfully, Dylan Bravener of 3 Nines Compact Cassettes, who you will know as my Kitchener-Waterloo radio brother Francis Claire of 3 Nines Radio, accepted to help me with this new show formulation. He is a true experienced DIY concert booker himself. Thus, we will be co-presenting together! Woo!

We will provide an experience of distinct electronic bands and solo musicians from across Southern Ontarian: the electronic punk dance of KW's Mouthfeel, G. Michael Thomas' extraterrestrial chillwave love songs, the unavailing of Berry Wall, a new sparky lo-fi electropop project helmed by Guelph's Kyle Bodi, and Splendid Industries' very own electroacoustic cinematic ambient Toronto band, N A V I! Full details can be seen in the poster below, and a link to the Facebook event page! While it is a Thursday evening, it is not a holiday weekend! Plan accordingly and I hope to see you there!

Poster Designed by Nicholas Cooper | Background Photo by Scope Overseer Photogenics

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